evo's 2012 trackday dates
Fancy taking your car on track in 2012? Here's our list of key trackday dates
Fancy exploring your car's limits in a fun and safe environment? And having some like-minded car nuts to speak to while you give your tortured brakes a deserved rest? evo's track evenings and How Fast? days, hosted by MSV, are the place. 2012's dates are below - click here to book yours. You might even manage a hot lap with one of evo's road testers in a Fast Fleet star...
May 18 – evo track evening, Bedford Autodrome
June 15 – evo track evening, Bedford Autodrome
July 13 – evo track evening, Bedford Autodrome
August 24 – evo How Fast (full day), Bedford Autodrome
September 14 – evo track evening, Bedford Autodrome