RML update - 13:50
Just over an hour to go, but it's not over yet
Not long to go in terms of the overall picture, but he time left is still almost the equivalent of a full Grand Prix. Andy’s back in for a single stint as the team have some concerns over the HPD engine, but he will hand over to Mike Newton for the run to the flag. The Highcroft car running the same unit overheated, so they’ve backed off he revs and are just taking things as easy as they can. ‘Easy’ isn’t really a word to driving one of these cars though. Andy was absolutely spent after the last session. ‘It’s the vibrations that get you,’ he said, ‘which combined with the braking, cornering and accelerative forces it can make you want to throw up. Add to this the incredible speed and the concentration to keep it on the road and keep out of the way of the flat out Audis and Peugeots and both the mental and physical strain becomes very hard. This race is like no other, each full stint lasts 39 laps, which is effectively 350 miles at an average of 150mph.’